Monday, March 31, 2008

Wayne Mason/A Lifetime Of Mondays reviewed by Michael Grover

Wayne Mason is definitely a poet that I can relate to. Coming from a small nowhere Florida town much like myself. I recognize the hopelessnessin his words, in fact the only hope is destruction. This short book of poems covers Wayne the aging poet staying in that same Florida town. Itis written unpretentiously in a language that common people would understand. His poems speak of images that he has of the factory that he worksin burning down with the bosses still inside and ash raining on their luxury cars parked outside. Mason is a working class poet who would ratherhang out in a working class bar, with a jukebox so outdated it still has Monk on it, than hang out in a coffee shop with a bunch of trendy kids.I would highly recommend this to anyone who likes real poetry, cold and hard like concrete. My favorite poem of this collection would be Cries OfThe World, where he calls on Kannon the goddess of compassion, but there is not a bad one in here. It is 6 dollars post paid P.O. Box 90945, Lakeland Fl 33804.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Review Of JD Nelson's It Resembles Itself

J.D. Nelson/It Resembles Itself/
This is the point where poetry, meets sci-fi, meets reality and it's a busy intersection.This short collection of poems comes out of the unique mind of J.D. Nelson. The book itselfresembles Lumox Press's Little Red Books only it's yellow. But that's irrelivant. What isrelivant is that these poems are surreal art, anti-corporate, and anti-establishment.There is nothing wrong with that right?

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Dreams That Would Kill Most Men

From John Dorsey:

Book info below...let me just say that this the most beautiful book S.A. has done for me yet, only have 3 copies so i can’t give any away, and i might be willing to part with one but that will cost you more than getting it from the publishers, so that is best...’Dreams That Would Drown Most Men’By John Dorsey & Amanda OaksPublished by Rose of Sharon PressDesigned by S.A. GriffinEdited by S.A. Griffin and David SmithLimited to 50 copies, all signed.$20pp.--a definite steal:) This is a full sized book, not a chap...Payable to S.A. GriffinRose of Sharon Press P.O. Box 29171Los Angeles, CA 90027-0171

Saturday, March 15, 2008

The Poem Surge

I've decided since Bush's troop surge seems to be going so well I would attempt a Poem surge throughout this month. He might have a point to this. It's going well.
Yesterday I woke up to the news that I was published in The Beatnik I woke up to the news that my work was up in Beat The Dust.
We expect many more victories this month for the Rebel Army against the empire. Stay tuned . . .

Friday, March 14, 2008

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Micahel Grover Interviews John Dorsey @ Outsider Writers

I was asked to do it and I figured it wouldn't be a conflict of interest and I was glad he didn't mention the chapbook.